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2011.5.28(토) 세브란스-클리블랜드 클리닉 심혈관 심포지움 By 관리자 / 2011-03-18 AM 12:00 / 조회 : 2603회




만물이 생동하는 5월을 맞이하여,


개원 20주년을 맞이하는 세브란스 심장혈관병원에서는 Cleveland Clinic과 공동으로 Symposium을 개최합니다.


새로운 의료기술 및 지식에 대해 강의 및 토론이 준비되어 있으니,


관심있 선생님들의많은 참여 바랍니다.


1.행사명: Severance-Cleveland Cardiovascular Symposium 2011

2.일 시: 2011528(토요일)

3.장 소: 연세대학교 의과대학 강당


: www.sheart.or.kr 에 접속하셔서 등록바랍니다.

-사전등록 마감: 2011521()

  (원활한 행사 진행을 위해 꼭 사전등록 마감전 신청요망)

5.등록비: 무료  


-대한의사협회 평점 6

-대한내과학회 평생교육 연수 평점 6

-대한내과학회 순환기분과 전문의 평점6


-세브란스 심장혈관병원 경영지원팀

)120-752 서울시 서대문구 성산로 250

 전화: 02-2228-8233, 팩스: 02-2227-7928





Cardiovascular Symposium 2011

-Advanced and Integrated Cardiovascular Imaging-

Grand Auditorium, Yonsei University College of Medicine,
Seoul, Korea, May 28 (Sat), 2011


● 대한의사협회 평점 6점
● 대한내과학회 평생교육 연수 평점 6점
● 대한내과학회 순환기분과 전문의 평점 6점


08:25 Opening address

SessionⅠ Vascular Aging, Atherosclerosis, and Aortic Pathology
Chair: Yangsoo Jang, James Thomas
Panel: Kyung-Jong Yoo, Dong Woon Jeon, Do Yun Lee, Sungha Park

08:30-08:50 Vascular Ultrasound for Detection of Vascular Alteration Se-Jung Yoon, NHIC Ilsan Hospital
08:50-09:10 CT and MR for the Assessment of Acute and Chronic Aortic Disease Deborah Kwon, Cleveland Clinic
09:10-09:30 Role of Imaging in Guiding Surgical and Endovascular Aortic Surgery Ed Soltesz, Cleveland Clinic
09:30-09:50 Hybrid Approaches to Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms Young Nam Youn, Severance Hospital
09:50-10:10 Panel Discussion

10:10-10:30 Coffee break

SessionⅡ Cardiovascular Imaging for Diagnosis and Treatment in Heart Failure
Chair: Namsik Chung, Leslie Cho
Panel: Jong-Won Ha, Seok-Min Kang, Byoung Wook Choi, Young Sup Byun

10:30-10:50 Hemodynamic Monitoring in Heart Failure Mi-Seung Shin, Gachon Univ. Gil Medical Center
10:50-11:10 Assessment of Myocardial Mechanics by Strain and Torsion James Thomas, Cleveland Clinic
11:10-11:30 Stress Echocardiography in Heart Failure Chi Young Shim, Severance Hospital
11:30-11:50 Cardiac MR for Detection of Myocardial Fibrosis and Scar in Heart Failure Deborah Kwon, Cleveland Clinic
11:50-12:10 Panel Discussion

12:10-13:30 Lunch

SessionⅢ Cardiovascular Imaging for Catheter Intervention
Chair: Byung-Chul Chang, Joo-Young Yang
Panel: Myeong-Ki Hong, Se-Joong Rim, Bon-Kwon Koo, Jung Rae Cho

13:30-13:50 Evaluation of healing responses after DES implantation by OCT Byeong-Keuk Kim, Severance Hospital
13:50-14:10 Role of Multimodality Imaging for Percutaneous Intervention Leslie Cho, Cleveland Clinic
14:10-14:30 Role of Imaging in Guiding Transcatheter treatment of Atrial Fibrillation Hui-Nam Pak, Severance Hospital
14:30-14:50 Brave New World: Surgical vs Catheter-Based Valve Procedures Ed Soltesz, Cleveland Clinic
14:50-15:10 Echocardiographic Guidance of Valve Interventions James Thomas, Cleveland Clinic
15:10-15:30 Panel Discussion

15:30-15:50 Coffee break

SessionⅣ Cardiovascular Imaging in Myocardial Disease
Chair: Kyung-Hoon Choe, Jun Kwan
Panel: Hyuk-Jae Chang, Sung Kee Ryu, Wook-Jin Chung, Seonghoon Choi

15:50-16:10 Role of Echocardiograpy in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Yong-Jin Kim, Seoul National Univ. Hospital
16:10-16:30 Cardiac MR: Unique Role to Guide Intervention in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Deborah Kwon, Ed Soltesz, Cleveland Clinic
16:30-16:50 Contrast Echocardiography in Myocardial Diseases Geu-Ru Hong, Yeungnam Univ. Hospital
16:50-17:10 Multimodality Imaging in Right Heart Disease Young Jin Kim, Severance Hospital
17:10-17:30 Panel Discussion

17:30 Closing remark


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