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2011.3.4~3.5 대한심장학회 심장혈관영상연구회 심포지움 By 관리자 / 2011-03-04 AM 12:00 / 조회 : 3630회

대한심장학회 혈관연구회에서 오는 3월 4일-5일(금-토) 양일간
제 7차 춘계심포지엄을 개최합니다.  이에 아래와 같이 공지하오니
많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.


-  아         래  -

*일시: 3월 4일-5일(금-토)

*장소: 그랜드 힐튼 호텔 (홍은동)


2011. 3. 4 (금) 그랜드 힐튼 호텔(홍은동) 컨벤션센터 3층 다이아몬드홀
17:30- 등록  
18:00-19:40 Session I. Satellite Symposium: Vascular Health: Problems, Detection and Solution
  좌장 : 정남식(연세의대), Avolio(Australia)
18:00-18:20 Measurement of Central Blood Pressure:Problems and Solutions Chen-Huan Chen(Taiwan)
18:20-18:40 Coronary Plaque MR Imaging:Why Do We Need It? Do We Have Future? 임태환(울산의대 영상의학과)
18:40-19:00 Chinese Guideline for Early Vascular Disease Detection(Second Report) Honggyu Wang(China)
19:00-19:20 Recent Clinical Trials on Vascular Function: What It Tells Us? 김기식(대구가톨릭의대)
19:20-19:40 Panel Discussion
Hirofumi Tomiyama, Jiang Xiong Jing, Raymond R. Townsend, 박승우, 박창규
19:40-21:30 Welcome Dinner

2011. 3. 5 (토) 그랜드 힐튼 호텔(홍은동) 컨벤션센터 3층 다이아몬드홀
08:30- 등록
08:50-09:00 Opening 오병희(회장)
09:00-10:00 Session II. Best Research Presentation(10분발표, 5분토론)
  좌장 : 백상홍(가톨릭의대), 최동주(서울의대)
09:00-09:15 Effects of Trimetazidine and Sheath Size on Endothelial Dysfunction After Sheath Injury of Radial Artery 박경하(한림의대)
09:15-09:30 Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproduct and Its Role in Cardiovascular Disease 박성하(연세의대)
09:30-09:45 Effect of High Sodium Diet on Arterial Stiffness in Subjects with Sodium Sensitivity 이무용(동국의대)
09:45-10:00 Altered Left Ventricular Mechanics in Cardiac Allografts 조은주(가톨릭의대)
10:00-10:30 Special Lecture. 좌장 : 노영무(부천세종병원)
  Vascular Stiffness and Kidney Disease Progression in CKD Raymond R. Townsend(USA)
10:30-10:55 Coffee Break
10:55-12:30 Session III. Diagnostics: Multidisplinary Approach
  좌장 : 채성철(경북의대), 최연현(성균관의대)
10:55-11:15 Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Vascular Calcification 조현재(서울의대)
11:15-11:35 Image-based evaluation of arterial wall function 이종민(경북의대 영상의학과)
11:35-11:55 Optical Molecular Imaging of Atherosclerosis in Animals and Human Tissues 김동억(동국의대 신경과)
11:55-12:15 Exercise and Arterial Stiffness 제세영(서울시립대학)
12:15-12:30 Panel Discussion
김계훈, 김원호, 김주한, 이상철
12:30-13:30 General Meeting with Luncheon Symposium
12:30-12:50 총회 오병희(서울의대)
  [KVRWG 연구보고]
  좌장 : 윤호중(가톨릭의대), 정익모(이화의대)
12:50-13:00 I. Pulmonary Hypertension Registry 정해억(가톨릭의대)
13:00-13:10 II. Carotid Intima-media Thickness Study 배장호(건양의대)
13:10-13:30 A New ARB: the Promise 박정배(관동의대)
13:30-14:00 Moderated Poster (조별 4개, 개당 7분씩 발표)
  1조 Moderator : 김동수(인제의대), 권준(인하의대)
2조 Moderator : 김영대(동아의대), 홍경순(한림의대)
3조 Moderator : 주승재(제주의대), 김동운(충북의대)
14:00-15:35 Session IV. International Joint Symposium with The Pulse of Asia(English session)
  좌장 : 오병희(서울의대), Raymond R. Townsend(USA)
14:00-14:20 Cellular and Molecular Regulation of Arterial Stiffness Alberto Avolio(Australia)
14:20-14:40 Arterial Stiffness and Wave Reflection: Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Views Hirofumi Tomiyama(Japan)
14:40-15:00 Using Non-invasive Assessments of Central Blood Pressure to Screen Out Relative High-risk Prehypertensive Subjects:Rationale and Design of Sub-CHINOM (Chinese High-Normal BP Management Study) Jiang Xiong Jing(China)
15:00-15:20 Dynamic Arterial Stiffness During Exercise 하종원(연세의대)
15:20-15:35 Panel Discussion
Chen-Huan Chen, Honggyu Wang, 임세중, 홍그루
15:35-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-17:20 Session V. Therapeutics: Based on Diverse Cases
  좌장 : 정진원(원광의대), 김철호(서울의대)
15:50-16:10 Aging and Arterial Function 김응주(고려의대)
16:10-16:30 Pathophysiologic Alterations in Cerebral Vessel Function 권형민(서울의대 신경과)
16:30-16:50 Vascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease 오윤규(서울의대 신장내과)
16:50-17:10 Diabetes and Arterial Function(TBA) 안철우(연세의대 내분비내과)
17:10-17:20 Panel Discussion
김광일, 김장영, 양동헌, 한승

주최 : 대한심장학회 혈관연구회(www.kvrwg.org / tel.02-3275-5080)