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공지 사항

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2010년도 심장혈관영상의학회 학술대회(추계) By 김동훈 / 2010-08-19 AM 12:00 / 조회 : 3012회

일정: 2010 9 11 ()

장소: 충남대학교병원 노인보건의료센터 5층 대강당 (대전)


10:00-10:30         등록


10:30-10:40     Opening Remark                                                      최연현 (심영회장)


Session I:         Special Lecture                                                                       임태환   (울산의대)

10:40-11:10        Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac function           박재형 (충남의대)

11:10-11:40        Interpretation of coronary angiogram                              이재환 (충남의대)

11:40-12:10          New trends in cardiac nuclear imaging: SPECT & PET    김성민 (충남의대)           

12:10-12:20        Discussion


12:20-12:40     Coffee Break


Session II          Luncheon Symphosium
심장혈관영상의학회 정책과제 토의                     최연현 (성균관의대)

12:40-13:00        연구 TFT: 다기관 등록사업 & Clinical trial         강준원 (울산의대)

13:00-13:20        정도관리 TFT: CCT 임상영상평가기준             이배영 (가톨릭의대)

13:20-13:30        Discussion


13:30-13:50         Coffee Break


Session III:      Hot topic review                                                        박재형 (서울의대)

13:50-14:10        DECT and DSCT: Benefits and Limitations             성민 (건국의대) 

14:10-14:30        Clinical Experience with High Definition CT in Coronary CTA

송종운 (인제의대)

14:30-14:50        How to optimize image quality in CMRI               박은아 (서울의대)

14:50-15:00        Discussion


15:00-15:20        Coffee Break


Session III:      Interesting case presentation                                     최규옥